Contact Us


There are so many things happening here at CP and they won't happen without help!

Some parents have the time in their lives now to take on the big jobs (we sure need them!) but our events and offerings only work if there are many parents willing to take on smaller support roles! Yes, we are all busy. But, consider-- how can I help today?

Helping the PTO isn't just for the kids!

Meet new people, make new friends, and get to know the people
who surround your children everyday!


Contact Chris Santarpio for questions on all things events. Or reach out to the event leads below:

Room Parents

Contact Erica Snyder for questions on all things room parents. Or reach out to the grade level leads below:


Contact Priya Peyman for questions on all things fundraising. Or reach out to the event leads below:

Teacher Love, Green Team & Parker Bear

Contact Erica Snyder for questions on all things teacher love, CP garden & green team and Parker Bear. She is also available to chat Safety & School Climate Committee. Or reach out to the leads below:

Residencies & Communications

For all things communications, reach out to Christine Minerva. For all things money or residency related, reach out to Jessica Sumski.

Find out more!